2. Digital bodies#
This week we were introduced to 3D scanning and digital bodies, for this week we will be building a mannequin from scratch. Since I dont have
a 3D scanner i tried body visualizer but unfortunately i was not able to extract a 3D file from it so i used Thingiverse to download a full female figure.
Afterwards, i imported the model to Fusion360 and followed the steps bellow - make sure you are on Model mode - right click > convert model to Brep (for editing) - construct offset plane, and positioned it on an angle to split the arm - Modify > Split body - select the body and use the plane as splitting Tool
I did the same thing to the waist, split the the body in half and mirrored it.
In the process of splitting i ended up with a few bodies that i will need to combine together as follows: - Modify > Combine - Target bodies -select all visible bodies - Operation > Join
Once i was happy with the model i went - Make> 3D print - Refinement > High - Print Utility > Makerbot (or any 3D slicing software) - ok
Now i have my model opened on Makerbot where i can save it in .STL/ .OBJ extension that i can open on Slicer for Fusion360 in order to create a 2D pattern using a 3D model.
After importing it into Slicer i selected Radial slice as a construction technique and customized the slices sidtribution as shown in the photo below.
And then i fixed the manufacturing settings to the material I was using which was cardboard (6mm) and fixed the size of the mannequin to fit on the laser bed.
When i was happy with the final distribution I exported the plans as .EPS
opened it on coreldraw to preapare the plans for laser cutting since coreldraw is the software connected to the laser software ULS. On CorelDraw i did the following:
- For cutting : Selected the outline and using the pen tool changed the thickness of the line to hairline and. For the color, made sure i was on RGB Mode and select Red:255.
- For engraving : Slected the letters and numbers of the pieces and using the pen tool changed the thickness of the line to hairline. For the color, made sure i was on RGB Mode
and select Blue:255.#
Then I sent the file to ULS for cutiing, all i needed to change was the power and speed for the cuttind and engraving as follows:
- Blue(vector engraving ): 20% Power /90% Speed
- Red(vector cutting ): 90% Power /20% Speed
After cutting i assembled the mannequin following the letters and numbers on each piece
Attempt in 3D scanning#
Since i don’t have a 3D scanner I tried using a 3D scanning application on the phone called Qlone, but in order for the scanning to work I needed to print out a mat from their website (https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/0dc13a_00f1c793e9274ea4897766276c116ca1.pdf) that the object can sit on for scanning.
At first i tried placing my hand on the mat and scanning it, but it was too dificult to keep my hand steady and my wrist was covering one corner of the mat which was not allowing the application to recognize the mat. Then i tried printing out a bigger mat and made a cut in the middle for my hand to fit throuhgh. It worked! but the final result was not good.
So i decided to make a silicone mold for my hand and cast plaster in it to use it for scanning.
I used Moulding Alginate to create the mold. I mixed 500g of the powder with 1000g water (ratio 1:2), then mixed it well for a minute and let my friend put her tiny hand in the mixture for about 15 minutes or until the silicon hardened enough.
Then i prepared the plaster cast by mixing 2 cups of water with 3 cups of plaster powder. Poured it into the silicon mold and left it to dry over night.
Unfortunateley, when i cut the mold open all the fingers fill off. My assumption is that i did not leave the cast to dry enough.
But! i managed to glue it all together. And in the first attempt of scaning the plaster cast I placed it on a big mat and turned out that it was too big for the hand which made it difficult for me to scan it properly. So as you can see in the second photo i put it on a smaller one and it worked!
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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.”